No more products on here

Quite a few Bloggo posts have been about products. Specific products sold by huge companies. Enough of that. I think "Sony in Pink" is the worst post on the Bloggo by far. It's an ad with a gimmick forced in. I do not like it. I don't want to define myself by the products I use.

Products are easy to write about. A lot of the story is written for you. That story is called an advertisement. I block as much of those as I can. I don't want the Bloggo to be full of them.

That doesn't mean there will be no more products on here. But the products can't be the focus. A Bloggo post shouldn't be an advert. It should be personal to me. Water Bottle is good.

I think consumerism is bad. It's a distraction from life. It's often used to ignore life. I want to be around people, build connections and enjoy the little things. Those are worth sharing.

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